Thursday, October 27, 2011

Perfectly Planned...

This past Saturday through Tuesday, I was able to go to St. Paul, MN for a couple of days. Among other things, I was able to meet with other leaders in efforts of Faith Formation and catch up with some friends. I was also blessed to experience God's sense of humor and perfect planning in my life, even when it may at times look like organized chaos. So thank you God...

for friends who offer their home to you as you get ready to step on a plane with reservations already made,
for a tugging on the dress from a two-year old, waiting with arms stretched out to share peace.
for an expired driver's license, 2 days after tuning 30...a sleek rental car turned into a super blue shuttle and creative freedom to explore on foot and city bus a beautiful city,
for colleagues who encourage relationships, not to do lists,
for a cross necklace from a middle schooler and something that I will wear until it wears out,
for an additional meeting with someone I had hoped to meet with, but could not get a hold of,
for an odd turn of events that saved me from dating a man I did not know was married,
for the gift of music and being able to sit in on rehearsals last minute,
for retreat.

Thank you God for perfectly planning a trip I thought was already planned.

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